We Live in a VUCA Reality

Volatile. Uncertain. Complex. Ambiguous

The high level of stress and anxiety that come with the experience of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity can be overwhelming. It can be hard to think clearly and act wisely, and our well-being can easily suffer.

The Covid-19 pandemic made these experiences an everyday occurrence for many people and it has not slowed. It has brought into sharp focus the need for us to work clearly, wisely, and healthily and it has never been more pressing.

The rapid rate of change in the world, the march of new technology, and the generation of new discoveries and activities will not diminish. We need to handle VUCA more effectively.

How Would You Feel in a Different VUCA Reality?

Vision. Understanding. Clarity. Agility

How would you like to be able to stop giving the power to your stress and implement long-lasting changes that will restore your balance and change your life forever?

You can with VUCANAV. Each module contains elements carefully selected from the latest research to provide the optimum guidance around navigating life through our VUCA reality.

Program Content

    1. How to Use The Materials in this Program

    2. Audience, Outcome, Essential Skills

    1. 1. Welcome To The Program

    2. 2. About Aga Kehinde

    3. 3. Outline & Objectives

    4. 4. Perceived Stress

    5. 5. The Perceived Stress Test

    1. Introduction to Mapping Out Your Strategy

    2. Stage 1 - Stress Mindset

    3. Stage 2 - Body Optimising Routines

    4. Stage 3 - Your Morning Routine

    5. Your Morning Routine Waking Up

    6. Mindful Moment

    7. The Power of A Hot Shower

    8. Sun Salutation

    9. The Art of Gratitude

    10. Self Massage Technique

    11. Stage 4 - Your Evening Routine

    12. Evening Journaling

    13. What is Healthy Sleep

    14. The Sleep Questionnaire

    15. Your Learning Diary

    1. Finding Your Way Back to Safety

    2. Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    3. EFT for Stress

    4. EFT for Racing Minds

    5. Your EFT Diary

    6. Guided Breathing for Stress

    7. Grounding Visualisation

    8. The SUDS Score

    9. The STOP Technique

    10. The Ultimate Tapping Guide

    1. Advanced Tips

    2. Your Learning Diary

    3. Movie Techniques Using EFT

    4. Stress Free Goal Setting

    1. Feedback Form

    2. Resources

About this course

  • 38 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • 300.00

Program Validation

Origins and Testing

All of the stages described in this program are based on real-life scenarios. Tried and tested methods on NHS front-line workers who are dealing with life-or-death decisions and stress responses daily.

The techniques and tools provided, take into consideration how we function in our current realities when stress is persistent and the pressure continues. The framework has been created to enable you to build your own navigation strategy and take advantage of every experience in life. Even the most helpless, challenging, or complex.

Survive Stress. Recover. Build Resilience.

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