Course curriculum

    1. Structure and Timing (Three-Six Month Program with Varying Segments)

    2. Program Introduction

    3. Our Aim with Certification

    4. Guide To Working Online

    5. A Good TED Talk to Start With

    1. DEI Definitions

    2. Understanding Bias

    3. Marginalization

    4. Power of Conversations

    5. Creating Safe Spaces

    6. Understanding So far

    1. Process Map

    2. Establishing a Learning Set

    3. First Session - Setting the Group

    4. Second Session - Getting to Observations/Perspectives

    5. Third Session - Getting Personal

    6. Fourth Session - Some Ideas for a Better Future

    7. Fifth Session - Some Ideas for Us

    8. Sixth Session - Actions and Commitments

    9. Group Wrap-Up and Feedback

    10. Test for Understanding

    11. My Thoughts About the Process

    1. Great Facilitator Techniques

    2. Creating Great Questions

    3. Facilitator Support

    4. Group Member Support

    5. Test for Understanding

    1. Planning Your First Practical Group

    1. Feedback from Your First Group

About this course

  • $245.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content